Thursday, 19 January 2012

I bid adieu to you

With heavy heart, I bid adieu to you,
As beautiful time evaporates like dew.
So many memories You retain,
Some came as boon,some as bane.
You showered me with appreciation and praise,
You offered life in a different paraphrase.
You also twisted my heart with pain,
Through which I had only to gain.
You acquainted me with the beauty of life,
You gave strength for all the struggle and the strife.
You offered life the most precious gift.
'Trust','Love' that had all gone adrift.
You made me laugh;you made me cry,
You changed my life,I can not deny.
Good bye to you,my sweetheart, 2011,
You'll forever be remembered as the tree of heaven.

p.s=This poem was written on 31st of december, 2011. But due to my earlier commitments to my job and other preoccupations,It could not be posted.